The Trick to Remove Cat Scratches on a Fabric Couch

Your fabric sofa is all damaged because of cat scratches ?

It’s true that cats love to scratch furniture in the house.

Especially on the armrests of sofas…

Not only is it ugly, but the fabric may open up even more if you do nothing.

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to repair and remove cat scratches on your fabric sofa.

The free trick is to use a beard trimmer to shave the strings pulled by your cat. Look :

The Trick to Remove Cat Scratches on a Fabric Couch
The Trick to Remove Cat Scratches on a Fabric Couch

How to do

1. Take your husband’s beard trimmer .

2. Run the clippers directly over the areas where the cat scratched.

3. Continue until the marks disappear as much as possible.


The Trick to Remove Cat Scratches on a Fabric Couch
The Trick to Remove Cat Scratches on a Fabric Couch

There you go, you now know how to remove cat scratches from your fabric sofa 🙂

Easy, fast and effective, right?

Thanks to this grandmother’s trick, you have largely mitigated and concealed the damage caused by your cat’s scratches.

You don’t even need to have your sofa repaired to make it beautiful again!

Note that this trick also works with a pill razor like this one .

Unfortunately, this trick doesn’t work if your cat has scratched a leather couch.

And to avoid scratching your cat, you can add a protection on your couch like this .

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