[Gallery] 15 Celebrity LGBT Couples You Might Not Have Known About

Courtney Crangi & Jenna Lyons

They Must Have Their Mail Searched

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Fashion designer and businesswoman Jenna Lyons had been married to her husband, the artist Vincent Mazeau, for nine years when she decided to embark on a new chapter in her life, entering a relationship with Courtney Crangi, who is the sibling and business partner of jeweler Philip Crangi. Lyons and Crangi officially began dating in 2011.

Unfortunately, despite their shared creative interests, the two were together for six years before eventually parting ways in 2017. That same year, Lyons also made the decision to step down from her role as creative director at J. Crew, a move driven by the company’s disappointing sales performance. At the time of their separation, Lyons was 49 years old, and Crangi was 44.


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