[Gallery] 15 Celebrity LGBT Couples You Might Not Have Known About

Georges LeBar & RuPaul

They Can't Smack-Talk Other Presidents

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Even the hosts of the most prominent TV shows deserve to have healthy relationships. The well-known drag queen RuPaul, regarded as the most commercially successful drag queen in the United States and a pivotal figure in promoting the acceptance of drag as an art form, entered into matrimony in 2017 with his partner Georges LeBar, an Australian painter.

This devoted couple has shared more than two decades of their lives together. LeBar and RuPaul first crossed paths in 1994 at New York City’s Limelight nightclub and have remained inseparable since. Notably, LeBar owns a 50-acre ranch in Wyoming. RuPaul identifies as a versatile drag queen who freely expresses himself in any way he pleases.


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